Education Sector Digital Products Platforms Solutions
Fincom offers ecosystem based financial technology products whose value proposition involves delivery of payment service. This shall be to ensure that all total compliance with regulator.

School Fees/Tuition Payment Services
Our school fees/tuition payment services involve offering a universal platform that enables parents to pay school fees through our platform; SchoolPay and School suite. The platform is integrated with 13 commercial banks, 3 Mobile Network operators, two merchant payments and has over 5000 education institutions in excess of 2.9M students are.
Fincom shall continue to drive usage of these services in the education ecosystem to ensure increased usage and driving value for the actors involved in the education ecosystem; banks, telecoms, schools and transacting parents.
The school pay platform provides web interfaces for different users; banks, schools, telecoms to enable them do reconciliation and reporting purposes.

Digital Education Finance
Fincom shall partner with licensed financial institutions to build custom financing solutions to the education sector ecosystem. The solutions shall leverage the school pay platform abilities, partnership with banks and parents to make this solution. Fincom shall only offer platform/solution and facilitate payment components while all lending/financing solutions shall be handled by the licensed financial institution.

Micro Savings & Micro Insurance Platform
Fincom shall partner with telecoms, licensed insurance companies and regulated financial institution to develop microsavings and microinsurace solutions to enhance insurance penetration to hither too underserved markets especially in the education sector. It will also involve in developing wallets relying on partnerships with banks and telecoms to ease transaction and enhance business activity.