Payment Gateways Solutions

Sasula Payments Gateway

Fincom Technologies limited shall continue to promote and sell this Sasula payments gateway which enables aggregation of payments at bank level from different entities as well as from payment channels while providing visibility to the entities via a robust web interface. Sasula has become one singular tool enabling collections from SACCOs, investment clubs, Village saving groups, entities in distribution and individual entities. The capabilities of this solution shall be marketed across different banks in Uganda and any other subsidiary operations to drive liquidity mobilization as well reduce financial exclusion.

Custom Payment Solutions

Fincom shall be in position to create custom payment solutions for banks, telecoms or any other enterprise. It will have credentials to understand the requirements, design, develop, implement and support such custom solutions. Fincom shall rely on credentials of the parent company Service Cops limited to develop and deliver these solutions. This is an upcoming market as the digitization takes root in Uganda.